And lil' bother? Don't even get me started! This handsome little fella was super fun to chase down. For you "T" - any day!
And my favorite part was when mom said, "they'll hug if you ask them to" How cute is that? I was very impressed because I was partially holding back laughter at the thought of asking mine to hug... I'm sure you'd say the word hug, but my oldest would hear "BODYSLAM" and my youngest would hear "HEADBUTT".... you can fill in your own ending to that scenario:) But these two were just adorable.
Thanks for such a beautiful evening "E" family!
Jackie, I LOVE it that you left the "r" out of "brother"!! I always tell my nieces that their brothers are "bothers" instead of brothers, cuz they think that it is their job to bother their sisters! Too funny!
yeah... I meant to do that?!:) But I'll just own it now - LOL!
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